Greater Risk Of Heart Failure With High Blood Pressure And Low Energy

Hypertension of high blood pressure increases the risk of heart failure.

The risk of heart failure is two times higher in men and three times higher in women than in people with normal blood pressure levels.

When heart loses the ability to pump enough blood throughout the body, heart failure occurs.

The heart failure severity depends on how much pumping capacity is lost. High blood pressure is a major factor that contributes to the risk of heart disease. When high blood pressure is left untreated, it will cause the heart to overwork itself to the point where serious damage can occur.

Hypertension leads to stiffened or hardened arteries that causes reduced blood flow to the heart muscle and other parts of the body. Angina, which means chest pain or damage to the heart muscle due to lack of blood carrying oxygen to the heart muscle can result due to reduced blood to the heart muscle. Reduced blood to the heart muscle also leads to heart attack, which is caused by chronic spasm or blood blockage and oxygen to the heart.

Half of people having first time heart attack and two-third people having first time stroke suffer from hypertension. When heart cannot pump enough blood for the body’s requirements, it can lead to stroke, which is caused by rupture or blockage of artery that supplies blood and oxygen to the brain.

The researchers assert that a molecular factor involved in maintaining the heart’s energy supply could become a key to new approaches to prevent or treat heart failure.

The molecular factor, a protein called estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERR alpha), helps the heart keep up with energy-draining conditions like high blood pressure, which makes the heart work harder to pump blood.

“The stress of a cardiac pressure overload asks heart muscle to manufacture more high energy compounds, and without ERR alpha, they can’t do it,”

Heart failure warning signs should be recognized to get help immediately. The common symptoms include uncomfortable chest pain that lasts more than few minutes, pain that extends to shoulders, jaw, neck or arms, and chest pain accompanied by sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath and nausea.

The blood pressure should be lowered to reduce the risk of heart failure. Hypertension can be lowered by making changes to the lifestyle such as diet, exercise, and weight loss. The diet should be low in fat and salt and high in fruits and vegetables. Follow the healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of having heart disease or stroke.