How Social Interaction Can Be Improved In Teens With Autism?

Difficulties with social interaction, problems with verbal and non-verbal communication, repetitive behaviors and narrow or obsessive interests are common in autistic children.

As a parent, you should notice the symptoms of autism in your child.

Does inheritance play a role in autism?

According to recent studies, some people have a genetic predisposition to autism. If your family has one autistic child, the risk of having a second child with autism is approximately five percent. In some cases, parents and other family members of autistic child show mild impairments in social and communication skills or engage in repetitive behaviors.

Behavior of teens with autism:

As your teen’s brain process information differently, your teen may not act like other teens. Your teen may have problem talking to others and sometimes communicate with signs and gestures instead of using words.

Your teen will spend much time alone and don’t make friends easily and may not be able to respond for social cues. Your teen also finds it hard to join in a game or activity with other people.

Some teens with autism are inactive and withdrawn, whereas others can be overactive and can show tantrums and act aggressively.

Your teen with autism can have intellectual limitations and learning problems. As your teen may not have the ability to express his anger or frustration in a acceptable way, he may express in an inappropriate way. Your teen face difficulty in coping when there is a change or alterations in daily routine.

Improving social thinking in teens with autism:

Treatment depends on the needs of your teen. In many cases, combination of treatments is more effective.

  • Occupational therapy helps in improving independent function and teaches basic skills. Physical therapy involves exercise and massage to control body movements of your teen.
  • Behavior therapy is used to treat inappropriate, aggressive and repetitive behavior to provide skills that are necessary for your teen to function in this environment. Psychotherapy also helps your teen to treat autism.
  • Sensory integration therapy is a type of behavior therapy that focuses on helping your teen with sensory stimulation. Treatment includes handling materials with different textures or listen to different sounds.
  • Play therapy is used to improve emotional development, which in turn, improves social skills and learning.
  • Communication therapy is used to treat your teen, who is unable to communicate verbally or to initiate language development.
  • Speech therapy is used to help your teen gain the ability to speak.
  • Medications are also used to treat various symptoms of autism. Doctors prescribe antidepressant medications to handle symptoms o depression, anxiety, or obsessive compulsive disorder. Anti-psychotic medications are prescribed to treat severe behavior problems.

Your teen can lead a normal life with autism when early treatment and long time assistance is given. Your teen can go to school, attend classes and enjoy different activities, just like others.