Ankylosing Spondylitis – An Auto Immune Disease Which Affects Your Spine!

Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the most common types of arthritis which can mainly affect your spine.

It usually causes a swelling between your disks which mainly forms your spine (called vertebrates) and also in between the joints of your spine and pelvis.

Ankylosing spondylitis is usually referred as auto immune disease. This is because your immune system, which mainly protects your body from different forms of infection, attacks on your own body tissues and cells.

The other parts of your body which mainly gets affected with ankylosing spondylitis include areas where certain tendons and ligaments are attached to bones, eyes and also at the joints in hips, shoulders and knees and also feet.

As the condition of ankylosing spondylitis worsens and also the inflammation remains persistent, a new bone forms as a result of attempt of your body to heal the inflammation.

Even your vertebrae increase its growth together and form a vertical bony outgrowth and also become stiff and inflexible.

The condition of ankylosing spondylitis can change over time with the change in the improvement of symptoms.

Initial signs of this type of arthritis include stiffness in your hips and lower back and you can also experience pain which often gets worse in the morning, at nights and also after certain periods of inactivity.

If the condition reaches advanced stage, then it can show these following manifestations:

  • Constrained expansion of your chest.
  • There is a chance for you to loose your appetite.
  • If you experience a stiff and flexible spine then it is a sign for advanced stage of ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Some times this inflammation is associated with an eye inflammation, if it reaches advanced stage.
  • Bowel inflammation and severe body weight loss are also considered as signs of ankylosing spondylitis.
  • You can experience more fatigue.

The severity of ankylosing spondylitis varies from one individual to another and the complications involved in advanced stages of this arthritis condition mainly involves difficulty in walking and standing and also in breathing. Some times, it can lead you to several heart diseases and also lung infections.

So try to take proper treatment in the initial stages of the inflammation and avoid the complications and adverse effects.