World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st 2008

World Down Syndrome Day is on march 21st. Organizations of Down Syndrome(DS), through out the world, organize and take part in events to raise awareness of Down syndrome in public.

Creating awareness on  this day gives great chance to raise funds to support children and adults with Down Syndrome.

Down syndrome is also called as Trisomy 21 and this occurs when you have a 3rd and extra 21st chromosome. That is why the day and month were chosen for Down syndrome that corresponds with 21 and Trisomy respectively.

Every year on Down Syndrome day, parents and families of new babies with Down Syndrome reach out to their communities and organizations provide information to pediatricians, obstetricians, local hospitals, parents and public health nurses.

The information booklets are distributed to the public libraries, schools and city halls as well as to newspapers and magazines.

People with DS live at home and are attached to schools, workforce and community. People with DS closely resemble parents and their family. But, each individual is unique with personality, appearance and set of abilities.

Each state has Down syndrome association, which provides vital support and information. You can also take part of their fund and awareness raising programs for Down Syndrome patients to make their world a little better.

Check these resources to get detailed information on Down Syndrome: