Interstitial Cystitis: The Most Common Urinary Disorder In Women!

Do you know almost 90% of the women suffer with interstitial cystitis? Interstitial cystitis is mainly associated with chronic urinary urgency and most frequent urination, which can be sometimes accompanied with pelvic pain.

The manifestations associated with this cystitis usually vary from person to person and sometimes changes in the same individual.

You will be affected with either of the two forms of interstitial cystitis, which include ulcerous cystitis and non ulcerous cystitis, depending on the presence or absence of tumors in your bladder lining.

This presence of ulcerations is usually observed by conducting cystoscopy test. Ulcerative interstitial cystitis can be rarely found in less than 10% of all cases. Star shaped ulcers found in the walls of bladder are commonly known as Hunner’s ulcers.

Eventually, interstitial ulcers are capable to cause physical damage to the walls of your bladder. As a result of chronic inflammation, there is a chance for scarring and strengthening of the bladder wall and leads to decrease in the capacity of bladder.

Is cancer related to interstitial cystitis?

The long term or persistent presence of this chronic inflammation have not been studied well and requires further observation and research. However, till now there is no evidence that persistent interstitial cystitis can increase the risk of bladder cancer.

Is there any relation between pregnancy and interstitial cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis does not show any affect on female fertility and causes no harm on the fetus. Some of you can experience less pain due to interstitial cystitis while others can have severe pain and pressure during their third trimester [Health during pregnancy trimester], probably this can be due to excess weight of the fetus on your bladder.

Is there any need for you to change your diet, if you have interstitial cystitis?

There is no specific scientific reason to link your diet to this chronic urinary inflammation. But most of the experts and also people believe that particular foods like chocolates, spices, including alcohol, citrus and caffeinated beverages can contribute to bladder irritation and inflammation.

Try self care approach to determine which treatment can offer better relief from the problem. However, it is very important for you to find a good physician who can help you in providing a better guidance to lessen your urgency and bladder pain.