Prevent Adverse Conditions Of Choking With Simple Rescue Procedures!

Have you ever experienced choking? It is mostly caused when any object or food particle gets lodged into your windpipe, blocking the flow of air.

In adults, often any piece of food is suspected to be a main culprit, while most of the young children swallow certain tiny objects unknowingly, which can lead to choking.

If a person is not able to show any sign of choking attack, then you can look for these simple indications:

  • Coughing forcefully
  • Experiencing difficulty in respiration and even unable to talk
  • Change in the color of skin, nails and lips into blue or dusky
  • Loss of consciousness

Necessary steps to follow for choking:

As the choking interrupts the supply of oxygen to your brain, administering first aid as soon as possible can be helpful for you.

Knowledge of certain tips regarding the first aid, which you can do in case any of your neighbors or friends experience choking, can be a good quality for you. Some of the most important tips involved in the first aid process of choking mainly include:

  • Try to maintain emergency numbers in your phone book or else place them where they can be easily accessible for you, so that during emergency, you can immediately call to those emergency services, as they can provide better guidance before the choking condition becomes worse.
  • If you find anyone choking, as a first step try to check the scene for safety. If you feel every thing is safe and in place, then go ahead to assist the victim.
  • When a person starts choking, immediately check the breathing, consciousness and also signs of blood circulation in that person. Do not start any choking rescue procedure unless and until you ensure that the person is choking.
  • If the victim is an infant, try to give 5 back blows and chest thrusts alternatively, by holding the baby carefully.

Five and five approach:

This five and five approach is recommended by Red Cross to deliver first aid to someone who chokes with any foreign particle in their windpipe.

  • As a first step, deliver 5 back blows between the person’s shoulder blades with the help of the heels of your hand.
  • Next, try to give 5 abdominal thrusts, which are also known as Heimlich maneuver.
  • Repeat these two above mentioned steps alternatively, until the obstacle gets dislodged.

As a word of caution, never experiment any choking rescue procedure unless and until you are sure with it. Many emergency services are available, try to call them before the condition becomes worse.