Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Responsible For Several Reproductive Problems In Women!

It is the most common hormonal disorder which affects all most 7% of women and is mainly characterized with obesity, unwanted excess hair growth and also irregular periods. This hormonal disorder can affect women in many different ways.

It has been estimated that almost one out of ten women are getting affected with this syndrome.

This is because most of the cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) remain undiagnosed and the main cause for this ovarian syndrome is still unknown. As the symptoms of PCOS vary from one female to another, it often becomes difficult to diagnose this ovarian syndrome accurately.

How PCOS can lead to several reproductive disorders?

The hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome can lead to several reproductive problems. Some of them include:

  1. Infertility: This is the most common reproductive problem linked with polycystic ovarian syndrome, in which your ovaries will not be able to release an egg during your monthly ovulation process.
  2. Repeated miscarriagesth: Due to higher insulin levels in your body, you can experience this problem and it can be prevented by taking better prescribed insulin lowering medicine.
  3. Gestational diabetes: This particular risk during pregnancy can be at greater levels, if you are suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome when compared with other females who ovulate regularly.
  4. Possibility to develop breast or ovarian cancer: Most of the women with PCOS are more prone to ovarian or breast cancer when compared with other females.
  5. Uterine cancer: The risk of developing uterine cancer in women with this ovarian syndrome during their reproductive periods is three times higher when compared with other women.
  6. Endometrial hyperplasia: This is the pre cancer developed by the uterine lining of your uterus. There is a possibility for you to develop this abnormality if you don’t have regular menstrual periods, which is normally responsible for regular build up and clearance of uterine lining every month.

The treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome mainly focuses on the management of your individual concerns like obesity, acne, hirstuism (excess hair growth on the body) and also infertility.

Some of the women with PCOS have successfully become pregnant and they are successful in their ovulation process even after pregnancy. So, don’t worry if you are confirmed with PCOS, as there are treatments with medicines and surgery to get rid of this problem.