Reduce The Risk Of Multiple Sclerosis With Vitamin D

Research has shown that vitamin D may prevent a variety of diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, and osteoarthritis. There has also been evidence to show that Vitamin D promotes a strong immune system.

Vitamin D is truly an essential vitamin, since a deficiency of vitamin D causes all sorts of bone disorders and muscular weaknesses in children.

Well, Vitamin D enthusiasts have another reason to champion this vitamin. Recently, Oxford University researchers found that Vitamin D lowers an individual’s risk of multiple sclerosis. But Vitamin D must be taken by the mother while the child is in the womb.

About multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that causes blindness and paralysis. Multiple sclerosis is a relatively rare disease, but the effects of this disease are devastating for those who suffer from it.

Vitamin D sources

Vitamin D is a very easy nutrient to get because the human body can get most of the Vitamin D it needs simply by being exposed to the sun for 10 minutes.

But since Vitamin D is so important, many foods have been enriched with Vitamin D including milk, fish, eggs and cod liver oil. In addition to this, Vitamin D supplements are available at most local pharmacies.

People having a high risk for vitamin D deficiencies include the elderly, obese individuals, breastfed infants, and people having limited exposure to the sun. In addition, those who suffer from fat malabsorption syndromes like cystic fibrosis or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease are at risk.

But even though most people can get the Vitamin D that they need from the sun, experts still recommend that expectant mothers take Vitamin D supplements to minimize the dangers of Vitamin D deficiency.

Treatments for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a tragic disease, but there are several medical treatments that can help fight multiple sclerosis.

Beta infernos are copies of proteins that normally occur in the body and somehow help with multiple sclerosis, though researchers are not sure how this treatment benefits sufferers.

Glatiramer injections are also used in combination with Beta infernos. Other medications that help those with multiple sclerosis are muscle relaxants, corticosteroids and medicines designed to reduce fatigue.