Methamphetamine Abuse Costs U.S. $23.4 Billion

In 2005, the economic cost of methamphetamine use in the United States was $23.4 billion.

This cost results from the costs of treatment, hospitalization and law enforcement costs for fighting methamphetamine abuse.

Costs also come from the loss of employment and job productivity, the removal of children from abuser’s homes, the cost of the drug and the emotional strain put on families.

2005 say the deaths of 900 methamphetamine users. In addition to having deadly effects on the body, methamphetamines release many toxic chemicals that can lead to fires.

There are also costs associated with cleaning up the waste byproducts of methamphetamines.

Physical effects of methamphetamines

Methamphetamines are highly addictive drugs that can cause a variety of physical effects such as:

  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Anxiety disorders and depression
  • Drastic mood changes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Paranoia and delusional thinking patterns
  • Rapid increase in heart rate, stroke, and hypertension
  • Liver, kidney and lung damage
  • Heart failure

How do you know if your family member is on methamphetamines?

Those who abuse methamphetamines often suffer from: insomnia, high sensitivity to noise, nervousness, scratching, mood swings, dizziness, confusion, extreme anorexia, convulsions, and a presence of drug paraphernalia.

Why are methamphetamines worse than other drugs?

Methamphetamines are easily made from many household materials like battery acid, drain cleaner, lantern fuel, and antifreeze. This drug is also very highly addictive.

Brain damage

Methamphetamines can cause damage to some areas of the brain, damaging attention and memory centers of the brain. Fortunately, recent research has shown that the brain can recover from this damage.

However, methamphetamine abusers must be clean from the drug for a long period of time in order for the brain to recover fully.

How to overcome methamphetamine addiction?

Methamphetamine abusers must admit that they have a problem. Methamphetamine abusers often have an easier time recovering from abuse if they are reminded of the damages that this drug is causing to their life.

Oftentimes, methamphetamine abusers need professional help in order to recover from an addiction. There are several treatment programs that use cognitive behavioral therapy in order to help long-term addicts kick the addiction.

Methamphetamine abusers are recommended to end their relationships with other abusers, since these abusers often try to encourage recovering methamphetamine abusers to return to the addiction.

Also, be prepared for withdrawal symptoms and relapses. Withdrawal symptoms can last as long as 6 months and include depression, anxiety, rage and food cravings.

Relapses are common because of the powerful psychological addiction that methamphetamine abusers often develop. Recovering abusers should be prepared for relapses for the rest of their lives.