Women Turn To CAM Therapies For Breast Cancer

According to the U.S. Department of Defense Research, a growing number of women are now turning to complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in a quest to recover from breast cancer.  The questions about efficacy and safety of CAM are however not fully addressed, argue some researchers.

Biological therapies such as nutritional supplements and vitamins as well as other aids such as massage and reflexology are just some of the therapies that as many as 57% women are using to try and battle their disease. The researchers also examined use of manipulative and body as well as energy medical systems that many women use, including music and audio therapy and video therapy.

Researchers are expressing concern about women who use CAM therapies, which, according to one estimate as many as 80% women diagnosed with breast cancer, choose to use.

Gwen Wyatt, of Michigan State University’s College of Nursing said that women tended to have little education about how safe and effective these therapies are. She urged the need for better dissemination of information about CAM therapies as well as other therapy options so that women could make an informed decision based on a choice made from all the different options.